Just me talking about costume-y kind of stuff
For spring break this year I took a trip to Dallas, Oklahoma City, and Tulsa. This blog is about Dallas. Dallas Museum of ArtThe Impressionists exhibit was what we came to see. I love the Impressionists and have seen a lot of their work. This time I was more interested in focusing on the feminine in their works. Mary Cassatt was the only one I learned about when I took Art History in college. She was the only one in Janson's textbook at the time. See the He Said/She Said exhibit below to see how true that statement is. Today I learned of one more, Berthe Morisot. The link is to the DMA website where you can read all about the Impressionists and see much better photos of their work. The Impressionist Revolution He Said/She Said Here's the link to the DMA website where you can read more about all the artists and see better photos of thier work. If you click on large print labels, you can even read the cards without your glasses, LOL! The DMA does a great job with accessibility. Taming of the Shrew, Plague Mask Theatre Co.This show was part of the Elevator Project at Dallas Theatre Center. The show was done in "Living Black and White" which was a term TM by the Pegasus Theatre Company in 1986. Here's a link to the history behind In Living Black and White. Basically, the concept is that the play is performed as if it were a black and white detective movie in the 1930-40's. They've been doing one show every year or two this way ever since. So, Taming of the Shrew was a collaboration between Pegasus and Plague Mask Players. Here's a link to info on the production company. Plague Mask Players. The video underneath is taken from their website where they explain why the collaboration with Pegasus: Photos were allowed to be taken during curtain call:
September 2024